Sunday, 6 October 2013

Format Research Magazine 2 - Kerrang

The second magazine that i analysed was Kerrang magazine. i started by analyzing the front cover: 

On the Kerrang magazine they have a big main image of the band “sleeping with sirens” this main image over laps the masthead, this shows the main image of the band must be an important part of the magazine as the lead singer is covering the middle of the masthead. The masthead is important on a magazine as it tells you want the magazine is called but as the main image is covering that this suggests that it’s not as important in this occasion. The main image also covers most of the page, giving just enough room for small images and text around it, this also suggest that the main image is the main article in the magazine as it’s one of the first things that you see on the page. The main image has the colour scheme within it too, this is good as it shows that there is a link between the brand and this would carry on throughout the magazine. The genre of Kerrang magazine is rock and having the main image as a rock band on the front shows the audience what the genre of the magazine is, the band are also dressed to look like a rock band which works really well as it shows a clear link in the magazine and that the genre would carry on through out the magazine. This will appeal to a younger audience who is interested in rock as the main image makes the front cover look informal and also everything is linked with the genre and brand.

The colour scheme of the magazine is red, white, yellow and black. White is the house style in this magazine so it will be carried on throughout most of the magazine when using masthead and subheading etc this is good as it works with the brand as they will always be using there house style. then the background colour of the magazine front cover is red, this makes the white masthead stand out against everything which is good as it means that it is easy to see and will attract peoples attention more. The colours black and yellow vary between text box colour and text. This makes the magazine more colourful, quirky and interesting it also give the feel that it is aimed at a younger audience as they have used 4 contrasting colours to catch the viewer attention toward the text and not just the pictures.

The Puff on the Kerrang magazine is in the top right hand corner of the front cover this isn’t very good as it is out of the way so people don’t see it as much because it is up in the corner rather than in a random place of the magazine to catch attention. It also does not really stand out much to the reader as it isn’t in your face and it doesn’t pop out at you as it is too hidden in the corner and isn’t bold enough to catch someone’s attention this is a bad puff as it doesn’t do what a puff should do because you can see it that well it doesn’t interest you as much. The puff has got the colour scheme of black and yellow which is good as it works well in with the rest of the magazine but it also blend into the corner slightly which isn’t good because then you tend not to notice it as much.

This magazine also has a footer at the bottom of the page which gives you more information on the magazine as it lists different band names. This works with the genre as people who are interested in those bands and the genre would by the magazine as those bands that are mentioned are more than likely to be featured inside the magazine at some point. It is also uses just one word which is each band to try and catch attention, this works well as because it is just a band name the band would interest people who like that genre.

I then went on to look at the contents page of this magazine:

The contents page of Kerrang magazine still mentions about there USP which is the green day posters, it does this by showing another image of green day which could be a poster this makes the audience more interested and wants to look at the posters it also give you more information about the USP.


I then went on to look at the article of the magazine and i analyzed that :

In the corner of the Kerrang article there is a quote form one of the members of the fall out boy band. This quote gives an insight as to what is coming up in the text of the article. This is an effective way of making the reader intrigued as to what all of the article says because it only give a little bit of information but enough information for the reader to want to read on. The Quote uses the white house style so that the colour scheme can be linked with the article and so that it looks more professional.

In the middle of the text there is a text box give you information about fall out boy but it isn’t on the same topic as the secret album. This is wrote here so that the reader gets given that little bit more information about fall out boy and so that it will get them excited about the things that fall out boy has to offer for there fans.

I find that this article is an informal article. This is due to the fact that the entire font on this article is a san-serif font which is seen as an informal font as it has no smooth edges to keep everything in line. The way that the layout is presented this also shows that this is informal as everything on the double page spread is edgy and quirky and would appeal to a younger audience. The lexis on the page is also informal as there is small non-complicated words that makes the article an easy read for the target audience.

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