Monday, 25 November 2013

questionnaire analysis

For part of my audience research in the process of making my jazz music magazine I made 3 different  questionnaires so that I could find out information on what my target market likes. I asked 3 lots of 10 questions so  could find out a lot of information on what my target audience is.

For my first questionnaire I asked a ranger of questions that would help me to find my audience and get to know more about them. The first 3 question that I asked (Figure 1,2 & 3) was asked so that I could find out my main target audiences and how far people would be willing to go to get a magazine. I also wanted to know where people mainly shop for a magazine so that I would know where to put more of my magazines. This is why I asked question four (figure 4). I then went on to talk about social networking sights as I feel it is important that when making a magazine you know which social networking sights they go on so you can find out advertising. The first question asked was if my audience used social network sights (Figure 5) the reason that I asked this is so that I know what my target audience likes, I then went on to ask how many times a day do they use a social networking sight (Figure 6) I feel that this is important as you need to know roughly how often the ad needs to be show. The last question that I asked about social networking sights was which one did they use the most (Figure 7). With this question they could only tick one as I wanted to know which social network sight my audience used the most so I could use it for advertising. The next question I went on to ask was to do with were they shop (figure 8) the reason that I wrote this question was because the next question (Figure 9) was a follow up question that asked if the way they dress from those shops is influenced by the music they listen to. It is important that I find this out because I need to know if the clothes that my models wear are important or if they can wear anything because it wont matter to the reader. My last question (Figure 10) asked what type of music they listened to as you can listen to more than one genre and I needed to know whether I needed to try an widen my audience

For the second questionnaire I wanted to find out more about my audience. The first question that I asked is show in Figure 1. the reason I asked this question is so that I could find out what TV my audience likes the most so then I would know where I need to advertise my magazine. I then when on to ask another question (Figure 2) this question was important as it asked how often my audience watched TV. I need to know this so that if I was to advertise my magazine I would know how many times I would need to put my magazine advert a day. I also needed to now what channels they watched (Figure 3 – question 3) so that I would know what channels to put the advertisement on. The 4th question was to do with colours (Figure 4) it is important that  find out what colour people associate with jazz magazines as that’s the genre I am making my magazine as and I would need to know what colour people would think would suit this. I also needed to know whether the colour scheme would influence someone to buy a magazine so I knew whether it was really important or not. This is why I wrote (Figure 5) so that I could find out whether people notice the colour scheme a lot. (Figure 6 & 7) was to do with hairstyles. The first question asked what their hairstyle is and their second question asked was this influenced by the music you listen to. I felt like these questions were important as I wanted to know whether I needed to make my models hairstyles to suit the music genre or not. The last 3 questions (Figure 8,9 & 10) were to do with there hobbies, its important that you find out everything about your audience so you know how important music is to them. The reason for asking about their hobbies and whether it related to their preferred music genre is so that I knew how important music was to my audience.

The last questionnaire I wrote was more to do with magazines and what my audience would like to see in this magazine. The first question that I asked was about price (figure 1) the reason I asked about price is because you want to know how much your audience is willing to pay for a magazine as I don’t want to over price my magazine. The next 2 questions (Figure 2 & 3) was about the USP (unique selling point) on a magazine. The first question was asking if they would want a USP on the magazine and the next question asked was what USP would they like to see. I want to know what people like to see on a USP so I get an idea of what I could use on mine. (Figure 4) was talking about online magazines as I want to know whether an online magazine is beneficial to my audience. The 5th question that I asked was if you would subscribe to a magazine. I want to know this so that I can find out if subscribing is beneficial to my customers. Question 6 (Figure 6) is a question that still related to subscription as I wanted to know whether people would subscribe online or on paper more so that way I would know which is the best method for my magazine. Question 7 (Figure 7) was to do with the front cover and whether a band or artist on the front would make you want to buy a magazine more. I asked this question so that I could find out whether having a band or artist on the front was better so that I could think about my layout of the magazine and what could possibly go in the magazine. The last 3 questions (Figure 8,9 &10) were more personal and were about my audience as I wanted to know a little bit more about them. I asked whether they play/played an instrument or not and whether that instrument was an influence to their music. I feel it important that I know what influences people to listen to the music they listen to as it will help make my magazine.  

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