Sunday, 12 January 2014

Manipulation of my Images

Front cover image manipulation:

I edited this image in order to match the genre better and make all of my images of the model link.  With this image I used the selection tool selected the lips of my model, I then when to adjustments > hue and saturation and I changed the colour to a red so that her lips looked more red like she had lipstick on, I also refined the edge so that the lips didn’t have a ridged edge to them.   

Contents page image manipulation:
For the images on my contents page I also used Photoshop to manipulate some of the images so that they worked better with my genre and branding of the magazine.

With the first image I edited this image so that the background behind the model went with the colour scheme of my magazine. this allowed me to create branding. I also cropped this image so there wasn’t so much background space in the image.  I used the crop tool to crop the image down to shape and then I used the selection tool and selected all of the model, then I picked the colour that I wanted to be the background and I refined the edge, then with the brush tool I painted the background the colour blue to match my colour scheme.

With the other image I cropped it so that there was less background space and you couldn’t see the edge of the wall and I also changed her lip colour to red to match the front cover image to create branding. I started by using he crop tool to crop down the image slightly. I then used the selection tool and zoomed in to select her lips, I then went into adjustments >  hue and  saturation and I changed the colour to red so it looked like she had red like in the other image and I also made sure that the edge was refined so that it didn’t look bumpy and unrealistic.  

Double page spread image manipulation:
For my double page spread I also manipulated two of the images so that they worked well with the genre of the magazine and they matched the other images of that model.

With the first image I started by deleting the background. I did this by selecting the model and the guitar and then I went select > inverse  which made the selection go around the girl I then  cut away the background using the cut tool. One I did that I selected the models lips and refined the edge so that it wasn’t bumpy and I then went to adjustments > hue and saturation and changed the hue so that the lips looked more red. I then did the same thing with the guitar face so that it wasn’t as orange and was more brown. With the guitar I also used the clone tool to take away the chips in it.

With the other image I used the selection tool and I selected the model, I then went into select . Inverse so that the background was selected, using the  cut tool I then cut away the background. I then selected her lips with the selection tool refining the edge so that it they weren't bumpy and I then changed the hue to a red colour by going into adjustment . Hue and saturation so that she looked like she was wearing lipstick. 

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