Tuesday, 17 September 2013

2nd Mock Up

This is our second mock up that was done by my partner Becky to get another idea of what our magazine front cover could look like. This mock up looks very busy but should work well. Like me the masthead was put at the top of the page rather than anywhere else so that it stands out more. then she has the main image in the middle of the page with the Misbourne logo faded behind it, i think that this is a very clever idea as it will look cool and still have then Misbourne logo on the cover. Having a quote next to this that relates to the image is very clever and it will give you a little bit of information as to what the photo is about. This mock up has also included the left thirds so that if the magazine was on a shelf you would see the left thirds first. We added the idea of faded images in the background to so that the main image it still the main focus but the viewer would still be able to look at other photos and see that they have to do with the rest of the magazine.

We decided that we are going to try and follow this mock up of the magazine but we may have a few idea changes along the line so it may not be exactly the same but this is the frame of work we are going for. 

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