Thursday, 12 September 2013

Our School Magazine Ideas

Today in my media class, my partner Becky and I started to discuss what out school magazine should look like to try and create an image in our mind. We decided that our main theme for our magazine front cover would be a fashion theme, this meant that we would only do thing's that are fashion based within the school such as uniform, sixth form clothing etc. As we decided our themes we thought it would be good to take pictures of the textiles department as they have designed and made some amazing creations, so we went out with our camera with others to try and find the textiles teacher, we didn't actually take any photos that today we we was just going to ask if we could do that when she wasn't busy, but she was busy so we didn't ask. 
We also wanted to get some pictures of the new uniform and some sixth former's in there smart wear, she we went to take some younger children who were dressed in the new uniform to come out of there call for a tiny bit so we could take a picture. Kindly two year 9's who was wearing the uniform let us use them so we did. Another good idea that we can up with was to take pictures of some fashionable teachers who wear nice clothes, so we went and got a picture of Mr Webb for out magazine. Becky had an idea that we could have faded edge photos in the background of the front of our magazine and the background should be white so nothing clashed and looked chaotic.

The main thing that Becky and I decide was the fonts. We thought it would be a good idea to decide the fonts now so we didn't have to do it later on. It took us some time and we looked at, at least 6 different fonts but we finally decided that we was going to have theses fonts on our magazine: 

Orator STD – Masthead
Copperplate Gothic light – Subheadings
Letter Gothic STD – Writing 

we came to the decision that Orator STD would be the masthead as it was a serif font so the edges aren't straight so it doesn't look as formal. Also a decision what that Copperplate Gothic Light would be our subheadings as alike Orator STD this font is also serif so it looks less formal and it is also capitalized so it would stand out, I thought that this might not work as it could stand out more than the masthead but at a smaller font it doesn't stand out as much as the masthead. The last font that we decided to use was Letter Gothic STD and this was going to be our writing. As well as the other fonts this is also a serif font and it look interesting against the other two fonts. 

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