Tuesday, 10 September 2013

The Misbourne and Amersham School Prospectus

Today in class we look at and discussed our schools prospectus so we could get an idea of what targets certain parts of the media aim at when producing there magazines, newspaper etcetera.

 The Misbourne School Prospectus
On our Misbourne prospectus it was very simple with the world prospectus written in the corner, It was good how it had the world prospectus in the corner as it told the viewer what they were looking at, without that written on it the prospectus would have looked too plain and spacious as well as making the viewer clueless as to what they were looking at. Another thing that was on the prospectus was a large straight edged rectangular picture of lots of children working hard. I felt that this was very effective as it drew in the eye and showed that the Misbourne is a hard working school, all the kids have perfect uniform, with there ties done up to the top. This showed that the school is persistent and focused on getting immaculate uniform. The problem with the photo is that it’s not very colourful when it was printed the colours have merged into each other making the class look quite dull as if there school isn’t that fun. Also on the prospectus they have the Misbourne school logo which is in a san-serif font, this was also very formal as it was all straight edged and in line with the photo.

The Amersham School Prospectus Compared to the Misbourne Prospectus:

The Amersham School prospectus had some differences compared to the Misbourne prospectus. One of the differences is that there is no picture in the middle of the prospectus its just blue with a big logo on the front. I feel that this isn’t as effective as it doesn’t really show you what the school is like and it doesn’t present it well, although it does have there logo printed big in the middle. Unlike the Misbourne prospectus the Amersham School prospectus has a quote at the bottom of the prospectus, this quote is, “live, learn and succeed together” I find that this quote gives the reader the idea that it is a hard working school as they want to succeed, it is also in line with the masthead which make the prospectus look smarter. The font of this quote is serif so it’s not as formal as the Misbourne’s font but it still gives a great effect to the reader as it has meaning to the quote and make the reader intrigued as to what the school can do to get to success. Another difference with the Amersham School prospectus is that it doesn’t say the word prospectus on it, I find that this is a slight disadvantage as the viewer will not know what they are looking at so they might get confused.

The Misbourne and the Amersham School prospectus both also have similarities. The main similarity is that they both have the school name at the top of there page as there masthead, they are also in a san-serif font. This is good as it make both the prospectuses look professional as it tells you what school the prospectus is for. Having the font as a san-serif font it makes it look more formal as it would be a straight edged font.

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