Thursday, 12 September 2013

Our Magazine Ideas Continued...

Today in my media class, me and my partner started working on getting photographs that we needed to put on our magazine cover. We started by going into the Textiles room to find the teacher to ask if we could use the creation of clothes that the textiles students have made. The teacher said it was fine so we took the clothes stands into the photograph photo room so we could take a photo of the clothes on a black background. After that we went got a guy sixth former and I had my photo taken with him so that it could go on our magazine to she the style that the Misbourne sixth form have, once we did that we went to get another photo of a teacher as we thought that having the teachers style on our magazine would be a brilliant idea to show the school the fashion that goes on in the school. We went to see Miss Young to take a photo but she was busy she we are going to take one tomorrow instead. Because we had taken the pictures of the clothes on a black background me and Becky started to re-discuss the colour the background of our magazine front cover, we was thinking of changing it to black but we then decided against it because the Misbourne logo is navy and on a black background that wouldn't really show up well. I thought that a good idea for our magazine was to have a main sixth form girl posing in the middle of the front cover as our main image, Becky agreed that it would be a good idea and that we would discuss it further and find a girl to photograph, we then went into further consideration about the layout and how we were going to put little images round the outside of the main image.

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